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Add a user live

You can add a user who is physically with you. To do this, you can create a new user and display a QR code that he will need to scan with his Vaultys identity to join your SmartLink.

1. Click on the Users tab

To access the user management page, click on the Admin -> Users tab.

2. Click on the Add button

Then click on the Add button to display the user addition form.

3. Create the user

Fill out the form (Name, first name, email). You can uncheck the "Send an invitation by email" box since your user is with you.

Then click on the Create button to add the user to your SmartLink.

4. Search for your user

Then search for your newly created user in the list of users. To do this, you can use the search bar and the available filters.

5. Click on the QR code

Then click on the button displaying a QR code to start the procedure.

6. User linking

Your user can then scan the QR code displayed on the screen from his VaultysID application.

7. Done

Your user is now registered on your SmartLink (you can see his status changed in the list of users). He can then log in to your organization.