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For Employees

Implementing SmartLink within your company requires proactive management to ensure a smooth and secure transition to this new access management tool. This initiative is led by the system administrator, who oversees the integration of SmartLink with existing systems and provides training to users.

Importance of Change Management in Your Company

Change management is crucial when introducing SmartLink. It is essential to raise awareness among employees about the benefits of this solution and address their concerns to facilitate their adoption of the process. We have prepared documentation to facilitate this awareness.

When implementing SmartLink, it is crucial to communicate clearly with employees. It is important to highlight the security and convenience benefits that SmartLink brings, while explaining the necessary steps for its integration into their daily workflows.

Over Time

Employees are encouraged to propose the addition of new services in SmartLink to continuously improve the tool's efficiency and relevance to their specific needs. This approach promotes ongoing adaptation to the changing requirements of the company.

Arrival of a New Employee

Upon the arrival of a new employee, the administrator assigns a secure VaultysID, simplifying access to critical resources from day one. This ensures a quick and secure integration into the team.

Departure of an Employee

In the event of an employee's departure, they may retain their personal VaultysID for future use while revoking access to the company's resources. This measure ensures data security while respecting the employee's confidentiality.

An Employee Refuses to Load VaultysID on Their Smartphone

If an employee refuses to load VaultysID on their smartphone, alternatives are available, including using VaultysID on a secure personal computer. This allows maintaining access security while respecting individual technology preferences.

An Employee Loses (Misplaces, Theft, Breaks..) the Smartphone on Which Their VaultysID Was Loaded

In case of loss, theft, or damage to the smartphone containing VaultysID, the employee must immediately inform the administrator. Security measures are in place to revoke access and activate recovery procedures to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

This proactive and inclusive approach ensures that SmartLink is not only effective in data security but also flexible to meet the needs and individual preferences of employees within your company.